Saturday, February 25, 2012

6 year class reunion for the Class of 2006!!

Can you believe it has been 6 years since we graduated from high school?!!Sometimes it seems like forever ago. But here we are, all grown up. Getting our education, traveling the world, getting our dream jobs or getting married and having babies.
But how cool are we that we're doing a 6 year class reunion! We're pumped that so many of you were interested in getting together again that we're going to make this reunion thing happen. I thought a blog would be a perfect way to get more information out to you guys about our reunion updates. A few of us got together a few weeks ago (thank you Kristen, Tonya, Spencer and Carrie), and started planning. With that being said here is our first update! We are going to hold our reunion on
Saturday, July 14th from 6-9pm
at the Veteran Park just west of the HS!
There will be a scrumptious catered dinner, prizes, activities and a blast from the past of memories and catching up to do! Now, as much as we would love for this to be a free event, it just isn't going to happen. I mean, it even cost money to hold it at the high school. And with this being our first event, we'll need a little help. With that being said, the price per ticket with be $15.00 per person. You would spend that anyway going out on a date right?! but this will be so much better! Tickets will go on sale on March 1st on this blog with a paypal account.(you don't need a paypal account to buy the ticket). If you would like to pay by mail with a check, that is fine too. Just contact me and I'll make arrangements. But let me warn you! Buy your tickets now, cause after June 1st the price will go up!!!
Stayed tuned and we'll keep you updated! We're looking forward to seeing all of you and catching up! If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. More to come!!!!!
-Megan Meacham Anderson