Tuesday, July 10, 2012

see you there!

This Saturday, July 14, 2012
@ Veteran Park (next to the PG pool at the bottom of the "drag")
6:00pm mingling
7:00pm Dinner
8:00pm Class fun and giveaways
and we'll then enjoy the rest of the night catching up.
We'll see you all there!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

only ONE week away!!!

Our 6 year class reunion is only a week away!! Don't miss out!! Buy your tickets now to the right!
-We have an awesome Caterer that is providing teriyaki Chicken, potatoe salad, green salad, baked beans, fresh fruit, roll with honey butter, cookies and brownies all grilled onsite! YUM!
-Don't forget to email Nikki Hall your high school pics to put into our reunion video
-Also, If you're just planning on showing up to the reunion and just hoping we'll have enough for you... WARNING* we might not. So just buy YOUR TICKETS NOW!!
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Monday, June 18, 2012


Only 25 more days till our CLASS REUION!!
Don't miss out on an awesome catered barbeque dinner, prizes to be won, giveaways, but most of all
visiting and reminiscing.
"Oh, high school...."
See you guys there!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

a little more info...

Well, we are only a couple months away from our exciting reunion! Are you getting pumped!! We want to make sure we keep all of you in the loop as to how things are going so with that being said here is a little more info/reminders...
Tickets... Tickets are currently selling now on this website in the top right corner through paypal. We're excited there has already been a good turn out with ticket sales, so keep 'em coming! Just a reminder. Tickets are on sale for $15 dollars for the next 30 days. Due to the demands of paying our prices up front for venue and catering will be raising the price by $5 dollars after June 1st until the reunion. So don't wait another minute! Pull out that credit card and buy your ticket now before you forget!!! Also, if you have a guest coming, make sure to purchase the +guest ticket. Let the count down begin!
Where.... our 6 year class reunion will be held at the Veteran Park in Pleasant Grove. For those that don't have the parks memorized ;) that's the one next to the PG pool at the bottom of the "drag". The pavilion is perfect with plenty of space and a lot of beautiful trees so it's going to be perfect night time weather.
When.... The Class Reunion will be on July 14, 2012. We will start at 6:00pm for some mingle. Dinner will begin being served at 6:30 and will continue to be served until about 8:00pm. Around then we will have some fun things planned for all of you you won't want to miss it!! There will be many opportunities to win prizes so everyone bring your A game! We'll mingle until we're kicked out (which will probably be around 9:30-10:00ish).
Menu- we are sure that all of you are wondering what we will be serving... Well, I can definitely tell you it is down to two catering options, we'll wait until after June 1st to see the outcome of the ticket sales and keep you posted. All I can say is... it will be delicious!!!!
Who.... So this year we decided that we would just have an adult event. Every class member is invited and also one guest of your choice if you'd like. I'm sure we'll have events in the future in which your families will be invited.
Pictures.... if you have pictures from high school we would love to see them! Actually, we NEED them. Nikki is putting together an awesome slide show for our event and we want to make sure we get as many pictures as we can. Please email them to her at nikkiparryhall@gmail.com or post them to our Facebook page. If you would rather mail them, let her know through email and she'll send you her address.

We hope that this has been helpful to all of you! We are extremely excited about our reunion and hope that each one of you are as well! Leave a comment if you have a question!
"Be smart, keep and follow all the rules and as you be the one, we'll see you at the top! BE THERE!"

Thursday, March 1, 2012

ticket time!

Hey Everyone!!! Well today is the day tickets go on sale!
Tickets may be purchased as a pair or individual. You may pay by credit card on the website or check by mail. To pay by mail, email me for the mailing address. To buy tickets, go to the top right of the page. Select the type of ticket you want to buy. Type in your name as the ticket holder. Click "Buy Now". It will then take you to Paypal. If you do not already have a Paypal account you can create one there OR you can click "Don't have a Paypal Account". If you are going through Paypal, once you are logged in, you can pay there. If you are not using Paypal, it will allow you to enter your payment information then. Please enter your email when asked to. Once you have paid, a receipt will be available. To help save on costs we will not be sending formal tickets, but if you forget your receipt no worries! We'll have a list of those who have bought tickets at the reunion. And remember buy those tickets now before the price goes up!!
Now for an update.
There has been a change!!! Due to the high school charging almost 500 dollars for the night there has been a change of plans. We will be holding the reunion at the veterans park in PG. This is the park next to the high school and right next to the pool at the bottom of "the drag". (on 300 S Locust Ave) We still have a lot of fun things planned that are not affected by this change. As for the type of event we are having, it will be casual. We also thought it would be nice to leave the kiddies home so we could enjoy visiting instead of being on diaper duty :) (babes in arms are ok)
Well, I think we are on our way to a night of fun and memories!! Thanks everyone!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

6 year class reunion for the Class of 2006!!

Can you believe it has been 6 years since we graduated from high school?!!Sometimes it seems like forever ago. But here we are, all grown up. Getting our education, traveling the world, getting our dream jobs or getting married and having babies.
But how cool are we that we're doing a 6 year class reunion! We're pumped that so many of you were interested in getting together again that we're going to make this reunion thing happen. I thought a blog would be a perfect way to get more information out to you guys about our reunion updates. A few of us got together a few weeks ago (thank you Kristen, Tonya, Spencer and Carrie), and started planning. With that being said here is our first update! We are going to hold our reunion on
Saturday, July 14th from 6-9pm
at the Veteran Park just west of the HS!
There will be a scrumptious catered dinner, prizes, activities and a blast from the past of memories and catching up to do! Now, as much as we would love for this to be a free event, it just isn't going to happen. I mean, it even cost money to hold it at the high school. And with this being our first event, we'll need a little help. With that being said, the price per ticket with be $15.00 per person. You would spend that anyway going out on a date right?! but this will be so much better! Tickets will go on sale on March 1st on this blog with a paypal account.(you don't need a paypal account to buy the ticket). If you would like to pay by mail with a check, that is fine too. Just contact me and I'll make arrangements. But let me warn you! Buy your tickets now, cause after June 1st the price will go up!!!
Stayed tuned and we'll keep you updated! We're looking forward to seeing all of you and catching up! If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. More to come!!!!!
-Megan Meacham Anderson