Thursday, March 1, 2012

ticket time!

Hey Everyone!!! Well today is the day tickets go on sale!
Tickets may be purchased as a pair or individual. You may pay by credit card on the website or check by mail. To pay by mail, email me for the mailing address. To buy tickets, go to the top right of the page. Select the type of ticket you want to buy. Type in your name as the ticket holder. Click "Buy Now". It will then take you to Paypal. If you do not already have a Paypal account you can create one there OR you can click "Don't have a Paypal Account". If you are going through Paypal, once you are logged in, you can pay there. If you are not using Paypal, it will allow you to enter your payment information then. Please enter your email when asked to. Once you have paid, a receipt will be available. To help save on costs we will not be sending formal tickets, but if you forget your receipt no worries! We'll have a list of those who have bought tickets at the reunion. And remember buy those tickets now before the price goes up!!
Now for an update.
There has been a change!!! Due to the high school charging almost 500 dollars for the night there has been a change of plans. We will be holding the reunion at the veterans park in PG. This is the park next to the high school and right next to the pool at the bottom of "the drag". (on 300 S Locust Ave) We still have a lot of fun things planned that are not affected by this change. As for the type of event we are having, it will be casual. We also thought it would be nice to leave the kiddies home so we could enjoy visiting instead of being on diaper duty :) (babes in arms are ok)
Well, I think we are on our way to a night of fun and memories!! Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

Stephanie Alo said...

Oh man!!! I am so excited for this. Thanks for puttin this on for everyone Megan. You are a doll!